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Team member at Climax operations, Colorado.Freeport-McMoRan is guided by its Principles of Business Conduct (PBC), the cornerstone of our commitment to ethical business practices. It defines the expected behavior of all our employees and the Board and sets forth the global principles that our workforce must follow in all activities — from complying with laws, to avoiding conflicts of interest, to treating colleagues and stakeholders with dignity and respect. The PBC highlights our core values — Safety, Respect, Integrity, Excellence, and Commitment — and provides guidance for the application of these values to our business.

PBC and corporate governance guidelines, along with the charters of our principal Board committees, provide the framework for the governance of our company and reflect our commitment to monitor the effectiveness of policy and decision-making at both the Board and management levels.


Our PBC, together with our global policies and practices, details our expected behaviors and commitments to our stakeholders. Our core policies ― including Anti-Corruption, Business Partner Code of Conduct, Environmental, Human Rights, Inclusion and Diversity, Responsible Sourcing, Safety and Health, Social Performance and Tailings Management ― are available in local languages on our governance section of our website.


Climax Molybdenum Company, a subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan, sustainability programs are consistent with commitments set forth in company-wide policies defined by Freeport-McMoRan. To learn more, please see our website: fcx/sustainability or  2023 ANNUAL REPORT ON SUSTAINABILITY 

PHOTO DESCRIPTION: (top) Henderson mill in Grand County, Colorado